Being Broken By God….

Have you ever heard someone say they were, Broken By The Lord? Don’t shun it!

Because when we are broken, it helps us to see the need for a Savior. It shows us that we are not whole without it.

Well…. Let me tell you all about being broken, cause if you haven’t already been (trust) me, one day you will be.

Listen, being broken for one reason or another is not a bad thing, (why) because those who have not been broken, He (God) is distant from.

It may sound strange, but trust me, until you go through this “Broken Process” you cannot understand.

Being humble and broken brings you closer to Him. (Psalm 51:17)
The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

Look, believe it or not, God cannot do anything with someone who has not been carnally broken.

Why? Only because it’s in that state of you not being broken (You’re) still in the way. Your carnal man.

in the way by wanting to do things how you think they should be done.

And plain and simple, you are not here in this broken place for your purposes and goals! Only for Gods. Amen!

I am going to give it to you as blunt and as straightforwardly as possible.

God cannot and will not do anything with a person whose heart is closed toward Him, and His way of doing things….( 1 Cor. 2:14)The unspiritual man rejects the things of the Spirit of God, and cannot attain to the knowledge of them, because they are spiritually judged.

Even though you may say, well, that’s not true, look at what He did with Saul!

Why God chose Saul, who knows, it’s not recorded in the Bible.

But best believe it was so He could get the Glory through (Paul) And He did!

Paul was a special case that was only for God’s knowing….let’s leave it at that. ( read Acts 9)

However, If you call yourself a believer, and care about God’s business, He will be consistently working in and on you to get you to that place of brokenness.

And, trust me, It’s only because He loves you!

Nonetheless, to achieve this, He may need to use His methods, those you’re not familiar with.

It could come in the form of Him steadily chipping away at your outer man.

The best I can describe it is like this.

Do you know how you see an Artist chipping away at a rock or block of ice to turn it into a piece of art? This is what it’ll feel like to you.

Or, He may even use your situations and circumstances, to allow you to see something major that’s an issue. And has to go.

He will also, sometimes, allow trials, tribulations, difficult people, health and physical issues of all types to show up—just to let you know you are not in charge.

Just know that the way He may break you, may not be the way He breaks another.

Your breaking can be short-lasting, or it can be long-lasting…it’s all up to Him and what He feels you need out of being broken.

So, yes!! This breaking process (because it is one) will be up to you and your progress.

You don’t know whether it’s going to be days, weeks, months, or years. You just don’t know!

This brokenness is a complete emptiness of self and total fulfillment of God and His (Will, Ways, and Concepts) nothing more.

The faster you gain this concept, the easier it’ll go.

The most daunting thing I have ever witnessed is, watching someone I loved, with so much God-given potential, let it all go to waste, because of their resistance to God.

By, not letting Him use them for what He put them on this earth to get accomplished.

There was so much pride. They had a prideful heart, that allowed them to fall… (Prov. 16:18).“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

If there is one thing I want you to know, is this, hold on! Cause in the end God will build you up mightier and stronger than you ever were for the world.

You just have to be like (Job)…

Be acceptable to what God is allowing or performing in your life, whether you understand it or not, just remain and be broken!

No, Job didn’t understand why he had to suffer so much, but he accepted it.

Did Job express heartache and anger at the pain and suffering God was allowing him to go through? He surely did.

Was there also evidence of him being impatient regarding how long it was taking God to bring about restoration? Yep! Right again.

BUT! Job never cursed God for his affliction.

Nope, not once! Even when he was being advised to.

Yet, Job never cursed God for his affliction.

Despite all the human emotions he had going on and the people he had in his ear…. Job never, not once, doubted that full surrender and trust were necessary despite his suffering.

Job trusted God’s will and plan for his life, and continued to praise Him even while going through…

A lot can be learned from Job, living in this time now today….

He can be seen to others that are going through a breaking process. To just trust and have faith in God, and just wait and see the outcome!

Just like Job, much more prosperous than he was before……(Job 42:10) the LORD restored his fortunes. In fact, the LORD gave him twice as much as before!”
Can you say double portion!!

Everything that was taken from him was restored double!

His marriage

His relationships restored

The new abundance of children

And, long life, to a ripe old age.

Never forget that your complete, total, surrender, and faithfulness to the Father will always open the door for His over and above restoration.

Be Blessed…

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